Terry’s Story

Terry Zou TingkuiName: Tingkui Zou

Occupation: Technical Architecture Student in Sheffield Hallam University 2013/2014

1. Your brief biography. Introduce yourself, your university course(s), professional role(s), company and location of working.
I have been working for architecture and design firms in China for over six years since 2005. One of the many projects I’m proud off is:-

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The first one is Ling Nan College, Qingyuan Campus in China. It was the very first time I had the opportunity to design a plan which contained more than seventy buildings, which most of the buildings had different requirements. As the project had many different kinds of requirements, my partners and I had to spend a huge number of times to research them. Of course, some of the buildings had very interesting features such as the traditional village, traditional Chinese medicine plantation and etcetera.

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The second project is a nursery which is located in Baimao Town, China. This is a project I did with Yuanhui Yuan. It was a part of a Hand to Hand Project which is sponsored by Nokia. Yuan and I were two of the volunteers who helped poor people to design nurseries in places which have no nursery. It was a challenge as the budget was just one million yuan (approximately 100,000 pounds). But it was an exciting project for me because it can help a lot of children in the future.

2.  Your experiences. Where have you overcome challenges whilst working in an international context or alongside international colleagues? What were you prepared for? What were you not prepared for? How did you cope?
One of the things that fascinate me most about studying in Sheffield Hallam University is the use of advanced technology in architecture. After having to research new plans and new designs which are classified as advanced technical buildings, I can relate them to part of the future of architecture in China.

3.  What advice would you share? Describe one personal intercultural skill that you think is needed as a professional.
In China, it is necessary to know about legislations building design when designing a building. In addition, practicality and logic is one of the most important skills that are required in the industry.