
This Portal forms a key component in an initiative run by Sheffield Hallam and Robert Gordon Universities in the UK.

The project aims to enhance skills for graduates seeking worldwide employment in the Architecture and Built Environment Industry. Specifically, the project is linked to the Department of Natural and Built Environment at SHU and the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture at RGU.

On the homepage, you can find links to our contributors, sharing their international and intercultural experiences for the community to learn from and enjoy. These contributors are own alumni, graduate employers, current students and academic staff. We welcome new contributions at all times.

Please also accept our invitation to join our LinkedIn group by clicking the link below:


The PassPort portal is a community for the exchange of experience and knowledge between built environment professionals. As such, all contributors are expected to exercise conduct in accordance with the expectations of their profession in participating, including discretion in presenting scenarios, case studies etc. Please carefully consider anonymising any reference to specific parties, and any other information that may be deemed sensitive corporately or personally. Sheffield Hallam University and Robert Gordon University cannot be held liable for the content of entries posted on the Portal.

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